
Bibliography of Luce Irigaray

This bibliography is taken from the books of Luce Irigaray: Conversations and Luce Irigaray: Teaching and completed with new titles.

Le langage des déments, in series Approaches to Semiotics, 24 (The Hague and Paris: Mouton, 1973).

Speculum. De l’autre femme (Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1974); Eng. trans. by Gillian C. Gill as Speculum: Of the Other Woman (Ithaca and New York: Cornell University Press, 1985).

Ce sexe qui n’en est pas un (Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1977); Eng. trans. by Catherine Porter with Carolyn Burke as This Sex Which Is Not One (Ithaca-New York: Cornell University Press, 1985).

Et l’une ne bouge pas sans autre (Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1979); Eng. trans. by Helene Wenzel as And the One Doesn’t Stir without the Other, in Signs, French Feminist Theory, 7.1, 1981, pp.56-59.

Amante marine. De Friedrich Nietzsche (Paris, Editions de Minuit, 1980); Eng. trans. by Gillian C. Gill as Marine Lover: Of Friedrich Nietzsche (New York: Columbia University Press, 1991).

Le corps-à-corps avec la mère, (Montréal: Editions de la Pleine Lune, 1981); also taken again in Sexes et parentés; Eng. trans. as Sexes and Genealogies.

Passions élémentaires (Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1982); Eng. trans. by Joanne Collie and Judith Still as Elemental Passions (London-New York: Continuum-Routledge, 1992).

La croyance même (Paris: Editions Galilée, 1983); also taken again in Sexes et parentés; Eng. trans. as Sexes and Genealogies.

L’oubli de l’air. Chez Martin Heidegger (Paris, Editions de Minuit, 1983); Eng. trans. by Mary Beth Mader as The Forgetting of Air: In Martin Heidegger (Austin-London: University of Texas Press-Continuum, 1999).

Éthique de la différence sexuelle (Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1984); Eng. trans. by Carolyn Burke and Gillian C. Gill as An Ethics of Sexual Difference (Ithaca-New York-London: Cornell University Press-Continuum, 1993).

Parler n’est jamais neutre (Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1985); Eng. trans. by Gail Schwab as To Speak is Never Neutral (London-New York, Continuum, 2002).

Divine women (Sydney: Local Consumption, 1986); Eng. trans. by Stephen Muecke from ‘Femmes divines’; also taken again in Sexes et parentés; Eng. trans. as Sexes and Genealogies.

Zur Geschlechterdifferenz: Interviews und Vorträge (Wien: Wiener Frauenverlag, 1987).

Sexes et parentés (Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1987); Eng. trans. by Gillian C. Gill as Sexes and Genealogies (New York: Columbia University Press, 1993).

Le sexe linguistique, editor and contributor; other contributors: J.-J. Goux, E. Koskas, M. Mauxion, M. Mizzau, L. Muraro, H. Rouch and P. Violi; Journal Langages, 85 (Paris: Larousse, 1987).

Il divino concepito da noi, editor and contributor; other contributors: M. Bolli, G. Careri, S. Crippa, R. P. Droit, E. Franco, J.-J. Goux, L. Marin, R. Mortley, A.-C. Mulder, L. Muraro, D. Van Speybroek Journal Inchiesta, n.° 85-86 (Bari: Dedalo, 1989), pp.1-100.

The Irigaray Reader, ed. Margaret Whitford (Oxford-Cambridge: Basil Blackwell, 1991).

Le Temps de la différence. Pour une révolution pacifique (Paris: Libraire Générale française, Livre de poche, 1989); Eng. trans by Karin Montin as Thinking the Difference: For a Peaceful Revolution (London-New York: Continuum-Routledge, 1994).

Sexes et genres à travers les langues, Éléments de communication sexuée, editor and contributor; other contributors: R. Bers, C. Cacciari, M. Calkins, M. Dempster, P. Ecimovic, P. Galison, M.V. Parmeggiani, K. Stephenson, A. Sulcas, K. Swenson, R. Tyninski and P. Violi (Paris: Grasset, 1990); Eng. trans by Gail Schwab and Katherine Stephenson as Sexes and Genres Through Languages, Elements of Sexual Communication, (not yet published).

Je, tu, nous. Pour une culture de la différence (Paris: Grasset, 1990) ; Eng. trans. by Alison Martin as Je, tu, nous: Towards a Culture of Difference (London-New York: Routledge, 1993).

J’aime à toi. Esquisse d’une félicité dans l’Histoire (Paris: Grasset, 1992); Eng. trans. by Alison Martin as I Love to You: Sketch for a Felicity Within History (New York-London: Routledge, 1996).

Genres culturels et interculturels, editor and contributor; other contributors: M.-T. Beigner, J.-L. Bouguereau, E. Brinkmann to Broxten, A. Bucaille-Euler, E. Casamitjana, S. Crippa, C. Fleig-Hamm, B. Menger, G. Schwab, K. Stephenson and M. Surridge Langages, 111 (Paris: Larousse, 1993).

Könsskillnadens etik och andra texter, collection of texts with an Introduction; Swed. trans. Christina Angelfors (Stockholm: Brutus Östlings bokförlag, 1994).

La democrazia comincia a due (Torino: Bollati-Boringhieri, 1994); Eng. trans. from the Italian by Kirsteen Anderson as Democracy Begins between Two (London-New York: Continuum, 2000).

Le souffle des femmes, editor and contributor; other contributors: M. Bolli, R. Braidotti, I. Guinée, R. Hablé, C. Heyward, Marie, C Mortagne, A.-C. Mulder, L. Muraro, M. T. Porcile Santiso, F. Ramond, M.-A. Roy, S. Vegetti Finzi, A. Vincenot, M. Yourcenar, M. de Zanger and A. Zarri (Paris: ACGF, 1996).

Être Deux (Paris: Grasset, 1997); Eng. trans. by Monique M. Rhodes and Marco F. Cocito-Monoc from the Italian Essere Due (Turin: Bollati Boringhieri, 1994) as To be Two, (London-New York: Athlone-Routledge, 2001).

Progetto di formazione alla cittadinanza per ragazze e ragazzi, per donne e uomini, research report presented to regional authorities of the Emilie Romagne Region on May 27, 1997 (unpublished, but available from the Commission for parity of the Emilie Romagne Region or from Luce Irigaray).

Le temps du souffle (Rüsselsheim: Christel Göttert Verlag, 1999); Eng. trans. by Katja van de Rakt, Staci von Boeckman and Luce Irigaray as The Age of the Breath (includes also the German and Italian versions of the text).

Chi sono io? Chi sei tu? La chiave per una convivenza universale (Casalmaggiore: Biblioteca di Casalmaggiore, 1999).

Entre Orient et Occident. De la singularité à la communauté (Paris: Grasset, 1999); Eng. trans. by Stephen Pluháček as Between East and West: From Singularity to Community (New York: Columbia University Press, 2001).

À deux, nous avons combien d’yeux ? (Rüsselsheim: Christel Göttert Verlag, 2000); Eng. trans. by Luce Irigaray, Catherine Busson and Jim Mooney as Being two, how many eyes have we? (includes also the German and Italian versions of the text).

Why different?: A Culture of Two Subjects, Interviews with Luce Irigaray by P. Azzolini, H. Bellei, R. Bofiglioli, H. Bostic and S. Pluháček, O. Brun, M. Bungaro, O. Delacour and M. Storti, I. Dominijani, R. P. Droit, F. Iannucci, L. Lilli , M. Marty, M. A. Masino, B. Miorelli, R. Rossanda, P. de Sagazan, C. Valentini, E. Weber; edited by Luce Irigaray and Sylvère Lotringer (New York: Semiotext(e), 2000); Eng. trans. by Camille Collins, Peter Carravetta, Ben Meyers, Heidi Bostic and Stephen Pluháček from the French or Italian  Pourquoi la différence ? Une culture à deux sujets.

Le Partage de la parole, Legenda, Special Lecture series 4 (Oxford: European Humanities Research Centre, University of Oxford, 2001).

The Way of Love (London-New York: Continuum, 2002); Eng. trans. by Heidi Bostic and Stephen Pluháček from the French La Voie de l’amour.

Dialogues: Around Her Work, editor and contributor, special issue of the journal Paragraph, 25, number 3 (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, November 2002); a collection of essays on Irigaray’s work by an intergenerational, international range of contributors: C. Bainbridge, H. Bostic, M. J. García Oramas, L. Harrington, M. Joy, K. Kukkola, A.-C. Mulder, S. Pluháček, H. Robinson, J. Still, F. Trani, L. Watkins and A. Wheeler; each paper is followed by questions from L. Irigaray.

Luce Irigaray: Key Writings, ed. Luce Irigaray (London-New York: Continuum 2004).

Everyday Prayers. Prières quotidiennes, bilingual edition (University of Nottingham and Paris: Maisonneuve & Larose, 2004).

Oltre i propri confini (Milano: Baldini Castoldi Dalai, 2007).

Sharing the World (London-New York: Continuum, 2008).

Luce Irigaray: Teaching (London-New York: Continuum, 2008).

Conversations with S. Pluháček and H. Bostic, J. Still, M. Stone, A. Wheeler, G. Howie, M. R. Miles and L. M. Harrington, H. A. Fielding, E. Grosz, M. Worton, B. H. Midttun (London-New York: Continuum 2008).

Il mistero di Maria (Milano: Paoline Editoriale Libri, 2010; The Mystery of Mary,  forthcoming in English; in German: Das Mysterium Marias, Hamburg: Verlag tredition, 2011; in Slovenian: Marijina Skrivnost, Zalozba Goga, 2011; in Turkish: Meryem ‘in Esrari, Pinhan Yayincilik, 2012)

Una nuova cultura dell’energia. Al di là di Oriente e Occidente (Torino: Bollati Boringhieri, Incipit 55, 2011

In the Beginning, She was (London and New York: Bloomsbury, 2013)

Building a New World: Luce Irigaray, Teaching II, ed. by Luce Irigaray and Michael Marder (London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015)

Through Vegetal Being, co-authored with Michael Marder (New York: Columbia University Press, 2016)

To be Born, (London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016 – forthcoming)

N.B. The books published by Continuum are now available from Bloomsbury.

Articles and chapters

‘Le dernier visage de Pascal’, Journal Revue Nouvelle (Bruxelles, 1957).

‘Inconscient freudien et structures formelles de la poésie’, Journal Revue philosophique de Louvain, 61 (Louvain: Editions de l’Institut supérieur de philosophie, 1963) pp.435-466.

‘Un modèle d’analyse structurale de la poésie: A propos d’un ouvrage de Levin’, Journal Logique et analyse, 27 (Louvain-Paris: Editions Nauwelaerts, 1964) pp.168-178.

‘Transformation négative et organisation des classes lexicales’, avec J. Dubois et P. Marcie, Journal Cahiers de lexicologie, 7.2 (Paris: Didier-Larousse, 1965) pp.30-32.

‘Approche expérimentale des problèmes intéressant la production de la phrase noyau et ses constituants immédiats’, avec J. Dubois, Linguistique française, Le verbe et la phrase, Journal Langages, 3 (Paris: Didier Larousse, 1966) pp.90-125.

‘L’inconscio premeditato’, Journal Sigma, 9 (Torino: Silva, 1968) pp.23-34.

‘La psychanalyse comme pratique de l’énonciation’, Journal Le langage et l’homme (Bruxelles: Institut Libre Marie Harps, 1969) pp.3-8.

‘Où et comment habiter ?’, Journal Cahiers du Grif, 24, March 1983.

‘Une lacune natale’, Le Nouveau Commerce, 62-63, 1985, pp. 39-47; Eng. trans. by Margaret Whitford as ‘A Natal Lacuna’, Women’s Art Magazine, 58, May-June 1994, pp.11-13.

‘Égales à qui ?’, Journal Critique, 43 (Paris: Edition de Minuit, 1987) pp.420-437; Eng. trans. by Robert L. Mazzola as ‘Equal to Whom?’, The Essential Difference, edited by Naomi Schor, Elizabeth Weed (Bloomington-Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1994) pp.63-81.

‘Sujet de la science, sujet sexué ?’, Sens et place des connaissances dans la société (Paris: Editions du CNRS, 1987) pp.95-121.

‘L’ordre sexuel du discours’, Le sexe linguistique, Journal Langages, 85, 1987, pp.81-123.

‘Questions à Emmanuel Lévinas, Sur la divinité de l’amour’, Journal Critique, 522 (Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1990) pp.911-20; Eng. trans. by Margaret Whitford as ‘Questions to Emmanuel Levinas’ The Irigaray Reader (Oxford: Blackwell, 1991) pp.178-189.

‘Comment nous parler dans l’horizon du Socialisme ?’, L’idée du socialisme a-t-elle un avenir ?, eds. J. Bidet and J. Texier (Paris: Puf, 1992) pp.227-236; Eng. trans. by Joanne Collie and Judith Still in Luce Irigaray: Key Writings, pp.214-223.

‘Une culture à deux sujets’, Apport européen et contribution française à l’égalité des chances entre les filles et les garçons (Paris: Ministère de l’Éducation nationale et de la culture, 1993) pp.145-154; Eng. trans. by Kirsteen Anderson in Democracy Begins Between Two, pp.142-155.

‘Un horizon futur pour l’art ?’, Compara(i)son: An International Journal of Comparative Literature, Bern, January 1993, pp.107-116; Eng. trans. by Jennifer Wong and Luce Irigaray in Luce Irigaray: Key Writings, pp.103-111.

‘Transcendants l’un à l’autre’, Homme et femme, l’insaisissable différence, ed. Xavier Lacroix (Paris: Editions du Cerf, 1993) pp.101-120.

‘Importance du genre dans la constitution de la subjectivité et de l’intersubjectivité’, Genres culturels et interculturels, Journal Langages, 111, 1993, pp.12-23.

‘Le lotte delle donne: Dall’uguaglianza alla differenza’, Encyclopedie Europa 1700-1992, Il ventesimosecolo (Milano: Elekta, 1993) pp.345-356.

‘Ecce mulier?’, bilingual French-English publication Nietzsche and the Feminine, ed. Peter Burgard (University Press of Virginia, 1994) pp.316-331.

‘La voie du féminin’, bilingual French-Dutch Catalogue for the exhibition Le jardin clos de l’âme (Bruxelles: Palais des Beaux Arts, 1994) pp.138-164.

‘L’identitié femme: Biologie ou conditionnement social ?’, Femmes: moitié de la terre, moitié du pouvoir, ed. Gisèle Halimi (Paris: Gallimard, 1994) pp.101-108; Eng. trans. by Kirsteen Anderson in Democracy Begins Between Two, pp.30-39

‘Verso una filosofia dell’intersoggettività’, Journal Segni e compresione, 22, Lecce, May 1994, pp.29-33.

‘Homme, femme: les deux ‘autres’’, Journal Turbulences, 1, October, 1994, pp.106-113.

‘La question de l’autre’, De l’égalité des sexes (Paris: CNDP, 1995) pp.39-47; Eng. trans. by Kirsteen Anderson in Democracy Begins Between Two, pp.121-141

‘La diferencia sexual come fondamento de la democrazia’, Journal Duoda, 8 (Barcelona: University of Barcelona, 1995) pp.121-134.

‘Pour une convivialité laïque sur le territoire de l’Union Européenne’, Citoyenneté européenne et culture, Journal Les Cahiers du symbolisme (Mons: University of Mons, 1995) pp.197-205.

‘Femmes et hommes, une identité relationnelle différente’, La place des femmes, Les enjeux de l’identité et de l’égalité au regard des sciènces sociales, ed. Ephesia (Paris: La Découverte, 1995) pp.137-142.

‘La famille commence à deux’, Journal Panoramiques, ed. G. Neyrand (Arlea-Corlet, 1996) pp.107-112; Eng. trans. by Stephen Pluháček in Between East and West, pp.105-119.

‘La rédemption des femmes’, Le souffle des femmes, ed. Luce Irigaray (Paris: ACGF, 1996) pp.183-208; Eng. trans. by Jennifer Wong, Jennifer Zillich with Luce Irigaray in Luce Irigaray: Key Writings, pp.150-164

‘Scrivo per dividere l’invisibile con l’altro’, Scrivere, vivere, vedere, ed. Francesca Pasini (Milano: La Tartaruga, 1997) pp.35-38.

‘Sostituire il desiderio per l’altro al bisogno di droghe’, Journal Animazione Sociale (Torino: Abele, 25, February 2000) pp.12-20, reprinted in Senza il bacio del Principe (Modena: Ceis, 2002) pp.5-25).

‘Comment habiter durablement ensemble?’, a lecture at the International Architectural Association of London, November 2000, translated from the French by Alison Martin, Maria Bailey and Luce Irigaray, as ‘How can we Live Together in a Lasting Way?’ in Luce Irigaray: Key Writings, pp.123-133.

‘Da L’Oblio dell’aria a Amo a te e Essere due’, Introduction to L’Oblio dell’aria (Torino: Bollati-Boringhieri, 1994); Eng. trans. (from French) by Heidi Bostic and Stephen Pluháček as ‘From The Forgetting of Air to To be Two’, Feminist interpretations of Martin Heidegger, edited by Nancy Holland and Patricia Huntington, University Park (Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2001) pp.309-315.

‘Why Cultivate Difference?’, Dialogues: Around Her Work, Special issue of the journal Paragraph, 25, number 3 (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, November 2002) pp.79-90.

‘Being Two, How Many Eyes Have We?’, Dialogues: Around Her Work, special issue of the journal Paragraph, 25, number 3 (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, November 2002) pp.143-151.

‘La transcendance de l’autre’, Autour de l’idolâtrie, Figures actuelles de pouvoir et de domination, Publication of l’Ecole des sciences philosophiques et religieuses (Bruxelles: University of St Louis, 2003) pp.43-55; Eng. trans. by Karen Burke, Journal Continental Philosophy, forthcoming

‘What Other are We Talking About’, Legacy of Levinas, Special issue of Journal Yale French Studies, 104, ed. Tom Trezise, 2004, pp.67-81.

‘Animal Compassion’, Animal Philosophy, eds. Matthew Calarco and Peter Atterton (London-New York: Continuum, 2004) pp.195-201.

‘Entering a Space and a Time in the Feminine’, in Catalogue of the exhibition La dona, metamorfosi de la modernita, ed. Gladys Fabre, Fundation Joan Miró, Barcelona, November 26, 2004 – February 2, 2005, pp.353-355

‘The Path Towards the Other’, Beckett after Beckett, eds. Stan Gontarski and Anthony Uhlmann (University Press of Florida, 2006) pp.39-51.

‘How to make feminine self-affection appear’, in Catalogue of the exhibition Two or Three or Something: Maria Lassnig and Liz Larner, February 4 – May 7, 2006  (Graz: Kunsthaus Graz am Landesmuseum Joanneum, 2006) pp.36-67.

‘La démocratie ne peut se passer d’une culture de la différence’, Libido : Sexes, Genres et Dominations, Journal Illusio, octobre 2007, pp.17-28

‘The Ecstacy of the Between Us’, Intermedialities, eds. Hank Oosterling and Krysztof Ziarek, forthcoming end 2007, pp.21-32.

‘Between Myth and History: The Tragedy of Antigone’, to be published by the Oxford Press in the proceedings of the conference Interrogating Antigone, Dublin, 6-7 October 2006.

‘Towards a Divine in the Feminine’, in Women and the Divine, (ed. Gillian Howie), proceedings of the conference which took place at the University of Liverpool, 9-11 June 2005.

‘Why is There the Other Rather Than Nothing?’, Eng. trans. by Kathleen Hulley and Donald A. Londes in collaboration with Luce Irigaray from the French ‘Pourquoi y a-t-il de l’autre et non pas plutôt rien?’ (still unpublished).

‘Perhaps Cultivating Touch Can Still Save Us’, Journal Substance, 126, volume 40, n° 3, 2011, pp. 130-140 (also published as a booklet in Italian: Elogio del toccare, Il Melangolo, 2013).

‘La femme, médiatrice entre vie privée et vie publique’, in the journal France Forum, special issue La refondation de la famille, n° 46, juin 2012, pp. 65-72.

‘Beginning with Breathing Anew’, in Breathing with Luce Irigaray, ed. by Emily A. Holmes and Lenart Skof, Bloomsbury 2013, pp. 217-26.

‘Toward a Mutual Hospitality’, ed. by Thomas Claviez, Fordham University Press, 2013, pp. 42-54

‘Sharing Humanity’, in Deconstructing Zionism, ed. by Santiago Zabala and Michael Marder, Bloomsbury, 2013, pp. 169-80